Meet James, a passionate music lover who perfectly incorporates Spotify into his work regimen, switches over to Pandora during his jogs, and curates playlists for every occasion imaginable, from cardio sessions to cooking and even gaming. His headphones are his continual partners, converting his life into a fully soundtracked experience. James takes comfort and joy in the engaging world of music, but the very source of his happiness might be harming his treasured ability to hear without him realizing it.
Concerning our ears, there are both safe and dangerous ways to enjoy music. Regrettably, many of us tend to incline towards the latter.
What is the connection between prolonged exposure to music and hearing damage?
Prolonged exposure to loud sounds can lead to a decrease in your auditory function. Hearing loss is commonly connected to getting older, but recent studies suggest that it is mostly caused by damage from exposure to loud sounds rather than being a normal part of getting older.
Younger people are more sensitive to noise-induced harm as their ears are still in the developmental stage. However, teenagers tend to disregard the potential hazards of excessive noise over time. A growing amount of young individuals are experiencing hearing loss due to frequent use of loud headphones.
Can one listen to music without any safety issues?
Unregulated max volume is clearly the” dangerous” way to listen to music. But there is a safe(er) way to enjoy your tunes, and it usually involves turning the volume down. The general guidelines for safe volumes are:
- Adults should limit their device listening time to 40 hours or less and make sure the volume stays below 80 dB.
- If you’re younger than 18, 40 hours is still ok, just be certain to keep the volume at a safe level, 75 decibels or less.
Breaking it down, you’re dealing with roughly 5 hours and 40 minutes of listening every day. That might seem like a lot, but it can go by rather quickly. In spite of this, most individuals have a well-developed awareness of time management, a skill that is usually mastered during early childhood.
The more difficult aspect entails keeping track of your volume level. Technologies like smartphones, computers, and TVs usually do not show volume in decibels. It’s measured on some arbitrary scale. The range could be as broad as 1 to 100, or it might be as small as 1 to 16. You might not have any clue what the max volume on your device is, or how close to the max you are.
Tips for effectively keeping track of your music volume
Numerous free noise monitoring apps can be downloaded for both iPhone and Android devices to tackle this issue. These apps provide real-time insights into ambient noise levels, empowering users to calibrate their music volume accordingly.
That’s why the majority of hearing specialists encourage the use of one of many free noise tracking apps. These extensively obtainable apps, compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, supply instant sound-level feedback on the ambient noise around you. That way, you can keep track of the dB level of your music in real time and make adjustments.
A volume comparison: garbage disposals and beyond
As illustration, 80 dB is approximately comparable to the noise produced by a common garbage disposal or dishwasher– audible, yet not overly loud. Acknowledging this benchmark is essential, as it represents the limit beyond which auditory damage becomes a substantial hazard.
So, being extra vigilant when exceeding this decibel threshold is important. Consider limiting exposure to excessively loud music by indulging in select tracks at full volume instead of indulging in entire albums.
Extended exposure to loud sounds can result in hearing issues, including ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, and potentially permanent damage to one’s hearing. By being aware of when our ears venture into the danger zone, we enable ourselves to make informed choices, with the ultimate goal of fostering safer listening practices.
Schedule a hearing test
For better prioritization of your hearing health, it is recommended to consult a hearing specialist to schedule a comprehensive hearing test. Proactive steps like regular screenings can detect any potential problems early on, enabling timely interventions and individualized recommendations to protect your precious sense of hearing.